Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Wow...I cannot believe it is 2009 already! Jared and I had a truly blessed 2008. We saw God work in ways that were far better than what we could have ever planned out on our own. Yesterday we were discussing how very different we brought in the new year last year verses this year. Last year, Jared was working on the copy desk in Roanoke and I was sitting in a hotel room waiting for him to get finished...this year, we got to ring in the year at our amazing church in Charlotte! :)

We are excited to see what God has in store for us in 2009. This year, more than ever, we desire to be used by God in any capacity He so chooses. Our prayer is that in everything we say and do, people will see Christ in us. I found this quote by Beth Moore today that I thought was quite inspiring: "If we are to have any level of authenticity in our world, we must be filled with God-given character. Often the reason others aren't buying what we have to say is that they are unconvinced, based on our huge inconsistencies, that we have bought it ourselves." Everything that is happening in our world shows how desperate people are for fulfillment. Now is the time for all Christians to proclaim with boldness (and yet in a friendly, non-pushy way) that the only fulfillment to be found is in Christ. This is our prayer for 2009.

God bless all of you and we pray that 2009 be the best year you've had yet. :)

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