Thursday, July 16, 2009

Live for Today

When I moved to Blacksburg over 4 years ago, I remember sulking because I missed my friends and family so much.  In fact, I sulked so much that I believe I missed out on developing some really great friendships.  When we moved to Charlotte, I missed my job a lot!  I realized today that I actually have been yearning for that part of my life back and am missing out on what I do have - albeit a job that I'm not particularly fond of all of the time.  Lately I've been worried about the economy and what we would do if Jared or I lost our jobs, worried about friends and family and have agonized over a delayed dream.  It seems that there is always something to miss in the past and something to worry about in the future.  That's not how we're supposed to live!  Matthew 6: 34 says, "Therefore do now worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things.  Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."  That's not a very encouraging verse - unless you like thinking about how today has a lot of troubles - unless you read the verse before it, "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."  Instead of thinking about the past, or worrying about the future, we should be focusing on seeking God and becoming more like Him now.  So I challenge you to look around and ask God to show you how to live today to the fullest. While it's nice to have memories and important to plan for the future, it's even better to live in the moment with your steps being directed by God.

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