Wednesday, January 26, 2011

20 Weeks

Symptoms - Morning sickness is almost non-existent at this point! Praise Jesus!! :) A little tired, but manageable. All in all, feeling great!

Memorable Moments – Celebrating Jared's birthday. :) Addi falling asleep and then laughing hysterically five minutes her sleep. So cute! Feeling the baby move...I've felt him move quite a bit for the last three or four weeks, but every time I feel him move, I love it like it's the first time ever.

Feelings / Thoughts – Excited, but there is so much to do. I feel like I haven't been able to enjoy being pregnant as much this time around because I have so much going on. That kind-of bums me out and I really want to change this, especially since this will probably be my last pregnancy. One thing's for sure though, our little guy is very much loved and we are so excited he's going to be in our family!

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