Friday, May 4, 2012

Picnic Time...No, Ma'am!

Tonight I had a picnic with Addi. It was in our fake park (the living room), with fake food, a fake blanket and a fake picnic basket...but it was so real! Addi laid out the blanket and sometimes it would crumple up while she was putting the food and cups on it, so she'd ask me to fix it and laugh every time I fixed it and patted it and told it to "stay right there!" :) The sweetest thing ever...after she laid all the food out, she cupped her little hands and said, "blessing" and we said the blessing. After we said it, she said, "Let's eat!!" She gets it. She knows that we pray before we eat our food. She may not understand that the blessings completely come from God, but she will one day. :) Such a sweet memory that we made tonight and I pray I NEVER forget it. Of course, the picnic was soon interrupted by a cute, blonde-hair, blue-eyed, rambunctious little boy who wanted to destroy Addi's set-up. He didn't know what he was doing, but boy did he upset his sister! My sweet little pray-er turned into a mean little yeller and kept telling her baby brother, "No, Ma'am!!" Haha. She thinks she's the boss and yes, she thinks her brother is a ma'am and anyone else she wants to tell no. We hope to quickly break her from that habit. But for now, I can't help but grin every time she looks at her daddy and says, "No, Ma'am!" to him. ;)

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