Thursday, April 11, 2013

When Life Hands You Lemons...

Jared has been very busy basically since before Christmas (as in working up to 80 hours or more a week).  He is a great father and spends quality time with our children every day, but due to his work schedule the quantity of time has been sorely lacking.  We've dealt with a few sicknesses in the last few weeks (both kids got pneumonia at different times, Brogan also had a sinus infection and then croup and now I have bronchitis a sinus infection and a stomach bug).  We've also received a few "minor" pieces of irritating news recently (nothing major at all, but all together is a lot).  So, the other day, when we realized that some of Jared's work obligations should be lighter in the next couple weeks, we decided that it is time for a vacation.  We are beach bound on April 27th for a week! :)  Cannot wait! Addi is already talking every day about riding a boat. :)  She seems to remember some of our vacation in August, so that just adds to her excitement.  We cannot wait to have some awesome family time and just soak in the sun.


Shannon said...

Woohoo! SO glad you get to go on vacation and have some much needed family time! Only 2 weeks away!! :)

Jennifer (and sometimes Jared) said...

Thanks, Shannon! We are definitely excited! :) I hope you all are doing well!