Friday, June 8, 2012

Living Life

I love to spend time with God, my husband and my kids. No denying that. Somehow in the midst of the daily tasks of working, cleaning, feeding, bathing, I’ve allowed the praying, playing, talking and living in the moment to take a back seat. Today, I’m changing that. For at least a week, perhaps longer, I’m limiting my computer use to work and work alone. Phones will only be used when I’m by myself. I am going to do my best to not think about the future, except of course our August vacation we have to plan this week, and I’m not going to think about missed opportunities that have long been gone. I am not going to do work at night, or think about my job when I don’t absolutely have to do so. I am going to focus on God, my husband, my kids, and myself. I am excited - no, I’m thrilled about this little adventure. It’s been much needed for a while. So, hello life! Happy Weekend! 

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Great idea, Jennifer!