Sunday, March 3, 2013

Be careful little tongue what you say...

So, a few months ago I accidentally said "crap" in front of Addi.  She thought this was funny to say for a little while, but stopped.  I haven't heard her say it since.  I'll admit that I have slipped up and said this word some since that time. I know, I know...way to go on keeping my words in check...definitely no mommy of the year award for me! 

Anyway, Addi just said that she would like breakfast.  We are a little low on breakfast options today, so I told her she could have some fruit and yogurt.  She obviously didn't like this suggestion and said, "Yogurt is crap!"  I was shocked and thought I misunderstood her and asked her to repeat herself...yes, that's what she said.  She usually loves yogurt, but whatever.  Here's to praying that she doesn't say "crap" at church this morning.  I guess she could be saying worse, but something about your not even three-year-old saying "crap" that kind-of makes me cringe. 

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