Friday, March 15, 2013

Dandelion Blessing

While on our walk today, Addi saw dandelions and just had to pick one. She was so proud and so excited about that little yellow flower.  A little while later, we stopped walking and found a white dandelion and I showed her and Brogan how to blow the "petals" off.  They thought this was great.  Somehow during the excitement Addi lost the flower she had picked early on into our walk.  She realized this a few minutes after the fact.  I tried to get her to pick another one, but it wasn't the same.  We were almost home, it was almost lunch time and then nap time.  I did not want to turn around to find the flower.  However, when I saw the dejected look on her face, I couldn't help it.  We turned around.  We FINALLY found the flower.  Addi was happy...ecstatic even...she thanked me for helping her find it. For a few brief moments, I felt like such a great mom (something that I don't feel like often).  I am so glad that I did not miss the opportunity to show Addi that I care about what she cares about.  It only took a few extra minutes, but it showed her that her feelings are important to me.  About a minute after finding the flower, Addi decided that she didn't want it anymore.  I had picked one for her as an alternative to the lost one.  She had not been interested in at first...however, once she had the option between the two, she decided she wanted the one mommy gave to her instead.  I felt double blessed and will probably never look at dandelions the same. :)

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