Monday, April 26, 2010

Latest quote from Jared

While holding a screaming Addi:

"I swear, sometimes I think she's just bored."

She doesn't cry all the time, but when she does...she takes the roof off. Thank God for great lungs!!! :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Just out of curiosity...

How long can one child cry?????

After listening to Addi cry for a few hours the other night (we were doing our best to comfort her) the following conversation ensued:

Jared - Maybe we should just scream with her.
Me - No, that will just scare her.
Jared - (long pause) Well, she scares me.

Haha. :) We are scared of a child who as of today weighs 7 pounds and 13 oz. Wow. This parenting thing is tough stuff. Rewarding and wonderful, but tough.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Addi's First Month

So since my blogging is once again sorely lacking, I am going to go ahead and fill out information about Addi's first month. Perhaps I will provide an update later about with more details about the stay at the hospital and her first week at home...but probably not. :)

Milestones - After over a week of losing weight, dropping down to an even 6 pounds, and going for a daily weight check, Addi started gaining weight on her 10th day of life! She gained an ounce and we were thrilled! :) At 2 weeks she weighed 6 pounds and 6 ounces and at last check (3 weeks) she weighed 7 pounds. She seems a lot heavier to me now...I'm thinking she may even be close to 8 pounds. Her Jaundice is also gone (more to come about that later). She has started pulling her head up some and is also very alert these days and has given us a couple of smiles that we think have been real smiles. Not 100% sure about that, yet! A milestone for Mommy...I've gone an entire month without throwing up! That hasn't happened since I started to experience morning sickness in August. A milestone for Daddy...he got a wonderful new job! :) God has blessed us abundantly! :)

Memorable Moments - SO MANY! Her being born tops this list. :) Hearing her beautiful cry for the first time (which is not as beautiful at 3:00 in the morning now), holding her for the first time, bringing her home, introducing her to family and friends, her first church service (which she slept through...phew!), her several doctor's appointments, rocking her to sleep, reading to her, praying with her, riding in the car with her, Easter, the joy and struggles of being new parents...It has all been memorable! :)

Most Challenging Moments - That would be everything there is about being a parent. I was expecting to be overwhelmed, but not THIS overwhelmed. From the moment we arrived home (and after a brief almost panic attack) I have been completely overwhelmed...and so has Jared. Between trying to get on some sort of schedule (ha!) and trying to get our precious baby to sleep at night, we are struggling. Exhausting? Yes! Well worth it? More than words can say! :)

Sickness - (Hopefully most months this will be a big fat nothing) - this month though, she had Jaundice. She was under the bili light for almost 24 hours while she was in the hospital. That was heartbreaking. I cried my eyes out when she went under the light. We were only allowed to hold her while I fed her every 3 hours. Her Jaundice levels had to be checked every day until they leveled out (her last test was on 3/18).

Holidays/Celebrations - Easter!! :) Jared and I were quite nervous about actually getting to church on time for Easter service. He ushers at the 8:30 service and has to get to church considerably early, so we have to leave no later than 7:10 for him to be there on time. The first Sunday morning service we took Addi to, my mom was here to help get her ready, but for Easter we were on our own. If you had walked into our living room the night before, you would have thought we were going on a trip. I got everything together the night before. We got up super early, but we left on time! Hallelujah!! :) After service, we came home and ate while Addi slept. We then prepared for the Button's (some friends from church) to come over and visit. The visit was great...they brought Addi presents, including an adorable stuffed Easter chicken that I fell in love with and have since tried to get Addi to do the same. :) After they left, we went and got some ice cream and came home and relaxed! :)

So that's been our life in a nutshell for the past month! :) We are currently listening to our daughter cry, no scream, her head off in her crib because she doesn't want to sleep alone...and we are trying to avoid going in there for much more than a minute at a time to comfort her. Jared just suggested that we see a Child Psychologist...I don't think that's necessary yet, but stay tuned. :)