Monday, April 22, 2013

"I didn't mean to do that." - "That wasn't supposed to happen."

Today while we were throwing a balloon around the house, Addi kept throwing it in the opposite direction that I thought she would and then would say, "Oops.  That wasn't supposed to happen."  It was so cute. :)

When she does something by accident (spill a drink, hit her daddy on the head, etc) she will say, "I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to do that."  We know when she says that it is really an accident because she NEVER says it when she does something on purpose.  Well, Brogan has picked up on this saying.  So, he will do something he knows he shouldn't be doing (tell daddy or mommy "no, no!", climb on the same piece of furniture he knows he isn't supposed to climb on 45 times a day, hit his sister, etc.) and thinks that he will not be punished if he follows the act with a quick, "I sorry.  I didn't mean to do that."  Of course, the term "punishment" is used lightly.  Punishments around here are pretty weak - we are working on being a bit more firm with these two.  Tough to do when they're just so cute. :)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sweet Memory - Concert for Two

This post probably won't really appeal to anyone...just a memory I never want to forget.

Tonight Jared and I were able to sit on the couch and hold hands while we watched the best show ever...our children singing, dancing and acting silly to entertain us.  It was hilarious!  Brogan was playing the guitar (his sister's Dora guitar), but was holding it like a piano of sorts and also had a shaker thing in his other hand.  He would push the button on the guitar so it would play a song and would dance all around while Addi danced and hopped as well.  It was the sweetest, cutest and silliest show we've ever viewed.  Jared mentioned that they didn't have a care in the world and we agreed that's exactly how their childhood should be.  We are so thankful that they are carefree, happy and amazing little children.  I hope the shows continue for many years to come. :)  

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Laundry Dream

Between Jared and I, our dirty laundry piles are usually pretty small.  Yes, I have a wonderful husband who helps me with the towels and his clothes at times (I won't let him do mine or the kids). ;)  Anyway, he has been super busy and I have been sick, and our laundry piles are fairly large at the present moment.  Apparently, this has stressed me out because last night I dreamed that I was standing on a mountain of dirty laundry.  Seriously, it was HUGE!  When I went to climb down from it, I realized that there were two mountains of dirty laundry.  Good news is, I am starting to feel much better and the first load of laundry is already in the washer. :)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

When Life Hands You Lemons...

Jared has been very busy basically since before Christmas (as in working up to 80 hours or more a week).  He is a great father and spends quality time with our children every day, but due to his work schedule the quantity of time has been sorely lacking.  We've dealt with a few sicknesses in the last few weeks (both kids got pneumonia at different times, Brogan also had a sinus infection and then croup and now I have bronchitis a sinus infection and a stomach bug).  We've also received a few "minor" pieces of irritating news recently (nothing major at all, but all together is a lot).  So, the other day, when we realized that some of Jared's work obligations should be lighter in the next couple weeks, we decided that it is time for a vacation.  We are beach bound on April 27th for a week! :)  Cannot wait! Addi is already talking every day about riding a boat. :)  She seems to remember some of our vacation in August, so that just adds to her excitement.  We cannot wait to have some awesome family time and just soak in the sun.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

You are a Gem

Dear Addi,

You are beautiful.  PLEASE don't ever let anyone make you believe different.  You were formed by God...created in HIS image. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.  You are smart and kind, silly and funny.  You are loving and amazing.  You are incredible.

It breaks my heart to think one day you may question any of these things that I just told you.  As tears fall down my face as I type this, I pray that you will always believe what Mommy and Daddy tell you about yourself.  More importantly, I pray that you will believe what the Bible says about you.  Read Psalm 139 every single day if you must, but please, sweet one, don't EVER question your worth.

I love you so much!  Thank you for being you...YOU are wonderful!!


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Bad Dream

This morning I woke up with probably extremely high blood head is still pounding, but at least now my breathing has normalized.  Right before I woke up, I dreamed that Addi had drowned in the bathtub.  It was just a terrible, terrible dream that literally made me feel ill upon waking.  When I woke up, I almost ran to Addi's room, but thought twice about it because I didn't want to wake her up by startling her. I was so thankful when she and Brogan woke up and I knew that my kids were OK.  I am sitting here now, watching my sweet babies as they have their morning Dora "fix" and am just so thankful for them.

Why am I typing this out?  Well, I was hoping by doing so that it would help me finally calm down 3 hours after the dream.  Between thanking God out loud for some of my blessings, typing this, and having my cute little man come up while I was typing and ask me to sing with him (which of course, I did), I am feeling better now and can resume normal activities.  I have a feeling I will be thanking God for the amazing blessings of my sweet kiddos even more today...and they may get tired of all the hugs.

HORRIBLE dream, but a good reminder to not take life for granted.