Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I never want to forget (Brogan)...

I never want to forget how Brogan loves to assume that his sister is in time-out.  Whenever he wakes up before her, or when she is in the other room playing, he asks, "Addi time-out?"  He gets great joy in thinking she is in time-out and it is adorable.  Sometimes he tells me that she needs to go to time-out, too.  Usually, Addi ignores him or laughs...I think deep down, she even thinks it's cute. :)

I never want to forget how he willingly hands over his paci after naptime and in the mornings.  He now knows that his paci is only for sleeping.  When he's done sleeping, he'll hand it over and say, "All done, paci! All gone!" 

I never want to forget how he loves to kiss his daddy before daddy leaves the house, how he wants me to sing "hush baby" (Hush Little Baby) before he goes to sleep, how he loves to sing, "Our God is Awesome," how he loves reading books (the same ones, over and over again), and how he wants to do everything his sister does.  

I never want to forget how he likes to run away from me every.single.time I go to change his diaper or put clothes on him, how he says, "I excited!" when it's time to eat, how he closes his hands to say his prayers, how he eagerly assists with cleaning up his toys and how he has a new found interest in coloring (for no more than a minute at a time though).

I never want to forget how he says, "I love you, Mommy" multiple times a day, gives me the sweetest hugs and kisses, and laughs uncontrollably over the goofiest things that I do.

Today, we will watch the same Barney movie he watches all the time, read the same book fifteen times over, we will sing songs, play basketball, color for a minute, chase each other around the house, throw pacifiers down after naptime, give lots of hugs, kisses, and high-fives (which he adores), cheer at dinner time, say our prayers and maybe even put his sister in time-out once or twice (though, don't worry...her time-outs are well deserved). Because I never want to forget how fast the time goes, but I never want to think about it either.  So for now, I'll cherish today...cherish my sweet, goofy, lovable, lively little boy who makes his mama smile a thousand times a day.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Water into Wine

Today at lunch, Addi took her water and started to pour it out onto her plate.  Her reasoning:  "I'm turning water into wine."  Glad to know she is listening in Children's Church. :)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Interview with Addi :)

Interview with Addi about her daddy (for his birthday):

Mommy:  How old is daddy?
Addi: One.
Mommy:  What color hair does daddy have?
Addi: Blue
Mommy:  Blue?  Actually it's brown.  What is the color of his eyes?
Addi: Brown.
Mommy:  Actually, they are blue.
Addi: Nope, they are brown.
Mommy:  No, they are not, but OK.  What is daddy's favorite color?
Addi: Green.
Mommy:  What is your favorite thing to do with daddy?
Addi: Play basketball.
Mommy:  What does daddy do for work?
Addi: Goes bye-bye.  (Actually he works from home, but has been working long hours outside of the home this week, so this is fresh on her mind.)
Mommy:  Does daddy like church?
Addi:  Yes, he goes to big church.  I go to little church.
Mommy:  That's right, you go to your class while we go to listen to the sermon. What is daddy's favorite song to listen to?
Addi: Our God is Awesome (she is right...he loves that song!)
Mommy: What is daddy's favorite food to eat?
Addi: Corn.
Mommy:  His favorite food is corn?
Addi:  Yes, that's right. It's corn. (It really isn't corn)
Mommy: What is daddy's favorite ice cream flavor?
Addi: A big, tall cone!
Mommy:  Does daddy like football or basketball better?
Addi: He likes basketball.
Mommy:  Does daddy like football or racing better?
Addi: Um, racing.
Mommy: Does daddy even like football?
Addi: Yes, he does.
Mommy:  Where did daddy go to college?
Addi: Um, I don't know.
Mommy:  Remember we went there?  It starts with Virginia.
Addi: North Carolina.
Mommy: No, Virginia Tech.
Addi: No, he didn't go to Virginia Tech, Mommy.
Mommy: Yes, he did.
Addi: Daddy did not go to school.
Mommy: He did go to school.  Anyway, how many hugs and kisses do you give to daddy every day?
Addi: 2 and 3.  No, 5 and 3.
Mommy:  Do you love your daddy?
Addi: Yes, I sure do.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Whisper His Name

"Does the month of January just hate us?  I am over 2013 already!"  These are the thoughts I've had for the last couple of days.  Honestly, 2013 has not started off for us very well (though the trials are not major) and I'm already frustrated.  I sort-of wish we could fast forward time.  However, I would then miss out on so many sweet and precious moments with my family.  So, for now, I'll be happy in January 2013.  I will be thankful for the good things, because they are very, very good.  I will be grateful for the bad things, because they could be a lot worse.  Through it all, I will call upon Jesus.

This song sort of sums it all up for me.  For those of you on FB, I posted it on my page as well.  You should take a listen.  I love it and it is so appropriate for such a time of this.  And yes, this is our church choir singing this song.  I am a little biased, I know...but I think they are definitely one of the best choirs in the country.

Here's to happier times in 2013...even in the trials, because really, without the trials would we ever want to Whisper His Name?