Saturday, December 7, 2013

Date Night and Other Ramblings

Last night we had a date night!  A "real" date night (where we actually go out) only happens once every couple of months or so, so this was a treat.  A very special treat because we didn't have to pay $10.00/hour for a babysitter...our church provided the babysitting for 2.5 hours.  They did it right too...provided pizza for the older kids and Chick-Fil-A for the younger kids (which Addi and Brogan were THRILLED about).  All the volunteers were so sweet, the kids had a great time and I tear up now thinking about what a blessing our church is to us and to so many others.

It was so funny when we got home though because it was 9:30 late and Brogan decided that was the time to tell me all about his night.  I learned that he had chicken nuggets, but not french fries.  He watched Veggie Tales while he ate his nuggets.  He played a lot.  His "teacher" was a new teacher (not his regular Sunday teacher) and she made monkey faces which Brogan thought was so silly. He didn't even "cry a little."  (Sometimes he cries for like 5 seconds when we drop him off.)  He spun around the room while singing, "Oh, Happy Day."  (I'm sure the volunteers LOVED that.) :)  While listening to him, I thought about how much he is growing.  The whole time he was talking, he would laugh about everything he did.  It was so cute.  I just LOVE having conversations with my little man.  Oh, and he teacher also said that he had an internal alarm clock and every 30 minutes he would ask about me and say, "I miss my mommy."  So sweet!!

In comparison, Addi (who usually talks WAY more than Brogan) said she played and had fun.  She had chicken nuggets, chips and water.  She laid on the floor in the bathroom because she was tired.  I am REALLY hoping that last part was not true because that's just gross and weird. ;)  That was all she said about the whole thing.  When we picked her up the only other little girl in the class (there were like 6 or 7 boys so they were outnumbered) cried when it was time for Addi to leave. It was sad, but sweet too.  Addi is loved by everyone she comes in contact with. :)

Anyway, I know that all of the above is probably boring to read, but I want to remember it. :)

In other news (probably just as boring to you all)...

1.  We put our tree up on Sunday night after the kids went to bed. Brogan promptly knocked it down by 10:00 am Monday.  We no longer have any ornaments on the bottom half of the tree. That is also attributed to Brogan.  Oh, and we had this super cute little turtle ornament that we purchased at the beach the year we had our first family vacation.  He had these dangling little legs.  Brogan decided it would be fun to break the legs off, which I discovered after I sucked up the legs with the vacuum cleaner.  My son is ALL boy for sure.

2.  We bought a new plastic nativity set for the kids to play with and gave it to them on Monday.  Brogan had a vendetta against Joseph and kept throwing him. I had to threaten to remove Joseph from the scene. Now, baby Jesus is missing.  Nowhere to be found.  Had the same issue last year.  Don't know why our family keeps losing the Son of God, but Jared keeps saying, "We're the only family in America who has a nativity set without a baby Jesus."

3.  Jared has to work today, but has the next THREE Saturdays off.  That is HUGE!  We are thankful!  I have already started making plans for each Saturday.  Poor guy. ;)

There's more news, but I've hit a writing block and can't think of anything else. So, have a great weekend!! :)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Floating to Independence

Dear Addi,

Yesterday was a big day…your first time riding in a parade!  You rode with several students who take ballet lessons with your teacher, Mrs. Beth.  You LOVED being on the float and were so excited.  You thought that everyone had come to the parade to see you and you made sure not to disappoint “your” adoring fans. ;)  You waved and smiled and wanted to get up and dance (while the float was moving).   You loved being able to see the animals especially and wanted to stand by the electric snowmen on the float. 

 Life is so much fun with you.  Your enthusiasm for life is contagious! I heard so many people talk about how cute and sweet you were yesterday.  You are beautiful on the outside…absolutely adorable, but that’s not why you people notice you. They notice how beautiful you are on the inside, and it radiates all over you…you exude energy and passion for life.  You are sweet, caring, happy, loving and silly.  You are incredible!

I can’t believe that in just over 3 months you will be four-years-old!  While we were on the float, you didn’t want to sit on my lap.  You wanted to be independent.  I wanted to hold you, but I knew that you were just spreading you wings a little more.  I get that.  I want you to do that.  It stung for a second, but then I saw the joy that you had by being able to exercise just a little more independence and it was so worth it.  Even so, I was so grateful that you wanted to cuddle with me later last night when we got home.

So, spread your wings, baby girl.  Spread them as far and as wide as you must.  Your daddy and I will always be cheering you on and always watching in admiration.  And, when you are ready, we will be standing with open arms to give you hugs, encouragement, love and comfort. 

We love you and are so proud of you!  
