This doesn't happen frequently, but sometimes I feel sorry for myself. This is a pathetic trait. This week, I have felt sorry for myself. Addi has been sick, work has been hectic, I have been tired, the house has been consistently messy, and the list goes on. Usually a time of feeling sorry for myself results in me crying and pleading to God for help. I did this last night. It helped, but sometimes just asking for help doesn't change things. Sometimes we have to be open to how God "helps" us. He didn't reach down and take the stress away, instead He opened my eyes. I just read a portion of a blog of a first time mom named Libby. She has a daughter not much older than Addi and a loving husband...and she has cancer. Cancer. I feel sorry for myself for being busy and stressed and she is dealing with chemo and its side effects. I complain about having to leave Addi so that I can go to work and she is praying that she can have the strength to rock her baby to sleep every night. I am worn-out from the daily grind and she rejoices when she has enough energy to get out of the house for an hour. I am selfish and she is a warrior.
My prayer is that I don't forget that there are people in this world who have it a lot worse than me. Not just the people that we tend to often think about when we feel sorry for know, homeless people, those without jobs, lonely people, etc. I also want to remember those who are fighting every day so that they can live one more day. God has blessed me and even if He chooses not to bless me anymore, I have it so good. Makes me hope I never feel sorry for myself again. But when I do, I'll think of Libby, her husband and her sweet baby girl. And if you can, please think of her too. Pray for her and pray that God will heal her body and give her the strength she needs to make it through this horrible illness.