Friday, March 9, 2012

Two Years Old!

She is Two.

She is funny; hilarious actually. She dances at random commercials. She uses a perfect English accent to say, “Oh No!” She tells Jesus not to bite when we pray. She loves to laugh and to make people laugh.

She is always on the go. She loves to go for walks. She loves to go “bye-bye.” She loves to climb, dance and flip. She loves to wrestle with her daddy. She loves to have crawling races with her brother.

She is smart. She sings her ABC’s. She can count to 10. She knows every word to the Barney theme song. She loves to read her books. She speaks more words than any other child in her class.

She is creative. She loves to draw. She loves to color. She loves to write. She loves to paint. She has even been known to “tattoo” her brother on more than one occasion.

She is friendly. She rarely meets a stranger. She will say, “Hey!” “Hi!” or “I miss you!” to random people in Wal-Mart. She gives high-fives. She says “See you later” to big trucks and airplanes. She was even given the unofficial title of “Class Greeter” by one of the parents at her daycare.

She is affectionate. She tells her parents that she loves them multiple times a day. She loves to give hugs. She will tell mommy that she missed her every time she gets picked up at daycare. She loves to kiss her brother on his head.

She is compassionate. She doesn’t like to see her brother cry and will tell him that “it’s OK”. She will share with her friends at school, especially the quiet ones who aren’t playing with others. She even says, “Oh, No! Be careful!” to a boy that is in a tree (and it’s just a picture in her book).

She is musical. She loves to sing, “Baby Bumble Bee,” “The Wheels on the Bus,” and “Jesus loves me.” She loves to sit on her daddy’s lap and listen to music. She has watched so many Central Church of God songs on YouTube that when she sees the choir members in their robes at church, she gets excited and shouts, “Jesus!”

She is passionate. She is passionate about all things mentioned above. She is passionate about Elmo. She is passionate about Dora. She is passionate about animals. She is passionate about life.

She is beautiful. She knows it. She says, “I beautiful” and “I pretty” all the time. She doesn’t realize that her beauty on the inside is

She is God’s creation. She is fearfully and wonderfully made. She has steps that are ordered by God. She is a miracle. She is her parents’ constant reminder that God answers prayers in the most amazing way.

She is Addison Hope Turner.

We love you so much, Addi! Thank you for being YOU! Happy 2nd Birthday, sweet girl!!
Love - Daddy, Mommy and Brogan

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Addi: "Buddy (her brother) pretty!"
Me: "No, you are pretty. Buddy is handsome."
Addi: (looks down at her legs and then at me) "I got pants on, too!"

I later told her that Daddy was handsome. She looked confused and said, "Daddy wear shorts." She was right, he was wearing shorts. :)