I never want to forget how he willingly hands over his paci after naptime and in the mornings. He now knows that his paci is only for sleeping. When he's done sleeping, he'll hand it over and say, "All done, paci! All gone!"
I never want to forget how he loves to kiss his daddy before daddy leaves the house, how he wants me to sing "hush baby" (Hush Little Baby) before he goes to sleep, how he loves to sing, "Our God is Awesome," how he loves reading books (the same ones, over and over again), and how he wants to do everything his sister does.
I never want to forget how he likes to run away from me every.single.time I go to change his diaper or put clothes on him, how he says, "I excited!" when it's time to eat, how he closes his hands to say his prayers, how he eagerly assists with cleaning up his toys and how he has a new found interest in coloring (for no more than a minute at a time though).
I never want to forget how he says, "I love you, Mommy" multiple times a day, gives me the sweetest hugs and kisses, and laughs uncontrollably over the goofiest things that I do.
Today, we will watch the same Barney movie he watches all the time, read the same book fifteen times over, we will sing songs, play basketball, color for a minute, chase each other around the house, throw pacifiers down after naptime, give lots of hugs, kisses, and high-fives (which he adores), cheer at dinner time, say our prayers and maybe even put his sister in time-out once or twice (though, don't worry...her time-outs are well deserved). Because I never want to forget how fast the time goes, but I never want to think about it either. So for now, I'll cherish today...cherish my sweet, goofy, lovable, lively little boy who makes his mama smile a thousand times a day.