Friday, June 21, 2013

Words Matter

Addi recently went through a phase where she was asking Jared and me quite a bit if we liked her.  We are not sure where she got this question from because we have NEVER said we like or don't like people to her and we always tell her we love her (multiple times a day).  We would reassure her each time she asked that we did like her and she would be satisfied.  After Brogan's birthday party (June 1st), she asked us if several of her relatives liked her.  I told her (and Jared agreed with me) that everyone likes her because she is sweet, kind, funny, loving, etc and that as long as she always acts like the wonderful Addi God made her to be and is herself that people will like her.  We didn't get too in depth in the conversation because she is three and she doesn't need to know that there will be people throughout her life who just won't like her for who knows what reason, etc.  Anyway, we went on our way and I did notice that after our conversation she asked us less often if we liked her.

Fast forward to last night...3 weeks later.  We were eating dinner and she asked me if I liked her.  I told her of course I liked her and she said, "After Brogan's birthday party I asked if you liked me and you said that everyone likes me because I'm Addi."  Jared and I were floored that what was a simple, brief conversation had obviously stuck with her the past three months.  It was such a great reminder that the words we speak to our children - even at very young ages - matter so much (It was a great reminder because it was a positive conversation she remembered). My children are taking my words to heart and are remembering them weeks later.  What an awesome experience and yet it's scary at the same time.  I know that there have been and will be times that I fail...that I say words that don't build them up or react the wrong way and have to apologize/admit that Mommy was wrong.  While I don't want that happen any more than it already has, I'm OK with knowing that it might.  We are all imperfect and if Addi and Brogan can see their parents fail and apologize, they will learn that that's what humans do...we make mistakes, we apologize, we learn from the mistakes, we keep moving forward.

My prayer though is that most of my words and actions edify and encourage my children.  I love this verse that our pastor often has the church body recite after his sermons.  Such truth and so important to remember:

"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." - Psalm 19:14

Monday, June 10, 2013

Rain, Rain....

I wish the rain would go away.  It is getting annoying.  I am running out of creative indoor activities (and outdoor activities...think umbrellas, puddles, etc) to do with the kiddos. It is 9:00 am and they have been up for over 3 hours.  The idea of having to find stuff to entertain them until nap time and then after is just plain daunting today.  Guess that's the way some days go.  No, staying at home is not all peaches and cream every day, but it sure beats only seeing my babies a total of two to two and a half hours a day during the week.  I wouldn't trade these days for the world...even the long, exhausting, "I think I may pull my hair out" days that happen every now and then.  I am blessed and am totally aware that God has rained showers of blessings on me.  While I look at the rain fall out the window and listen to my sweet boy scream, "Nobody greater, nobody greater than You...Praise the Lord!", I will thank God for the "rain showers" in my own life...both good and bad. I will also quickly browse Pinterest before the kids realize that I am on the computer...I am sure there are some creative rainy day activities that I have yet to find. :)

Have a blessed day...hope it's sunny where you are...even if it's raining outside. ;)