1. Addi has been sick (including multiple calls to her pediatrician office, a visit to the pediatrician, and a visit to the children's hospital ER). Still no answers on what is wrong (other than a virus)...but we are kind-of worried it might be mono.
2. My car broke down
3. Jared's car battery died
4. I dropped the entire contents of our dinner on the floor (shattering the platter it was on). We declared it a pizza night.
5. We went over our weekly budget due to multiple things
6. Just discovered our roof is leaking and it is supposed to rain all night after already raining for over 24 hours.
7. Had to have an electrician come fix a short in our ceiling fan
I am grateful for weeks like this because it makes me realize that most weeks are really great.
I could post the positives of the last week and a half...there have been many...the truth is, I just don't feel like it right now. I want to complain. I know I shouldn't. Still, I feel like it. ;)
Have a great Easter! I am so thankful that Jesus is alive and that He is my ultimate rock! Without him, I'd be toast.