Monday, March 10, 2008

Post from Jared

It's been a couple weeks since I last posted and life continues to deal us some exciting and insanely interesting curves. It's a bit of an adjustment working all weekend, every weekend but who can complain when you're doing something you love? Of course, when that cuts into spending time with the ONE you love, it does make make one more cognizant of the sacrifices involved in covering NASCAR (or just about any sport for that matter) even if it's mostly from an office cubicle in uptown Charlotte. As would probably be true of any new job worth its salt, it seems that mountains of new information are being hurled my way at a sometimes intimidating rate. The biggest challenge is adapting to the technologically-intense nature of the work. As a self-professed technophobe, I've never considered computer tasks my strength. It's fair to say it's a bit out of my comfort zone. Sometimes you'd never know I graduated from the greatest university in the world for all things technology (heck, everything really), Virginia TECH. But on a brighter note, I am getting to write enough to pretty much quench my thirst. Another month on a copy desk, and I would have been as dried up as a carcass. Jennifer has done incredible things here around the apartment, which for the present time still feels exceptionally spacious. She has another interview tomorrow. Please pray that God gives her a good job in a timely manner. I've found that having a job is an even more essential part of her fabric and self-worth than I ever knew, even though her diligence and desire to climb the corporate ladder was obvious from Day No. 1.

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