Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My husband thinks I'm hilarious

Jared was laughing his head off tonight at something I said and he thought I should post it here for all the world to see.

We were watching the news (which is always a bit depressing) and there was a blurb about how the rising cost of corn is causing the price of movie popcorn and tickets to go up.  I looked at Jared and said, "Pretty soon all anyone will be able to afford to do is to come home from work and sit around and stare at each other."  

For some reason he thought that was the funniest thing ever.  Perhaps it was the way I said it, or the look on my face...he said I should share, so being the submissive wife that I am, I thought I would.  I know, it's not as funny to all of you as it was to him.

Three more days to the weekend...yay! :) 

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