Thursday, July 24, 2008

Frogs, Santa, Etc.

So, my sister told me yesterday that if I don't update this thing more, people will stop reading (and I know there are so many of you who read this thing...ha!)  Anyway, she has a point. We started this blog to keep people posted and to kind-of have a record of some of the things that happen to us, etc. and we have been a bit negligent about updating. 

So here are some recent events (at least some of the ones I can think of right now):

1. We had ANOTHER frog incident in our apartment.  This one jumped in through the back door.  He was smaller than the first frog and though he hopped behind our couch, I was amazed at how easily he hopped back out...well, Jared helped him a little bit.  My fearless Frog Catcher. :)  Actually, this incident was far less eventful than the first time.  We even managed not to to call my parents for help. :)

2.  We went to a wedding outside of Greensboro a couple of weekends ago.  One of Jared's college roommates got married.  The wedding was beautiful. The couple was happy.  It was blissful.  Except, of course, my car broke down on the way back and we had to leave it in the middle of Nowhere, North Carolina at midnight to get fixed.  Thankfully, due to a schedule conflict, Jared and I drove separately, and so we had a way home.  Hopefully this will be the last of our car issues for a while. 

3.  We ended up staying at this beautiful hotel the night before the wedding.  Much to our surprise, there was a Santa Claus convention at our hotel!  We walked into the lobby and there were all of these Santa and Mrs. Clauses all over the place!  They were so happy!  I told Jared we should travel the Santa circuit when we retire...he's not as convinced as I am...of course watching Christmas movies in July probably isn't helping! :)

4.  Rich and Jenn (some friends from Lynchburg) came this past weekend and we had a great time!!  It was so nice to see people from home!  Friday we spent some time downtown (or uptown as they call it here) and Saturday Jenn and I shopped while Rich and Jared entertained themselves. :)  

5.  Jared has started inserting random political phrases into every day conversations (the election cannot get here soon enough!).  He finds it particularly comical to do this when I ask a question like, "What do you want for dinner?" To which he'll answer, "What about how Michelle Obama said America's a downright mean country?" (Quoting Hannity, of course) Not really something you'll probably find interesting, but I felt like blogging about it! :)

6. Speaking of things that you might not find interesting, Jared and I saw cows tonight! :)  We haven't seen cows since we were in Virginia last! :) I could tell I was missing home when I whipped my cell phone out to take a picture.  

7.  Volunteering is going great.  Church is awesome (our Pastor, the choir/musicians and all of the people who attend there are amazing!).  Our class at church is a lot of fun.  Our jobs are going good.  We love it here and couldn't be happier.  I couldn't help but smile the other night when I overheard Jared tell someone that the past five months have been some of the happiest of our lives.  It's true.  We are so blessed!

We hope all of you have been doing well!  Enjoy your weekend!!! :)

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