Monday, November 30, 2009

Week 22

Week 22

Symptoms - Morning sickness has remained, but at least it hasn't been every single morning. Energy level is getting better and better. I managed to make it through a whole day of shopping on Friday! :) My appetite is increasing, too.

Memorable Moments / Highlights - I felt Addison move (from the outside of my stomach)on Monday whiile listening to Christmas music. :) I haven't felt her since, but can't wait until Jared gets to feel her move! We attended a special church service on Tuesday evening and were able to take communion for the first time since I have been pregnant. It was such an overwhelming feeling and I can't even explain why. When I stop and reflect on all of God's blessings this past year, I am just completely consumed with thankfulness. We drove to Virginia this week and it took us FOREVER. Jared had to stop about every 45 minutes so that I could go to the bathroom. I think Addi is sitting right on my bladder! Celebrating Thanksgiving was amazing! I also saw Jared's grandparents for the first time since I've been pregnant...they are so excited! :)

Feelings/Thoughts - Just pure joy! :) Jared has already started thinking about baby #2. :) While driving to Virginia, I mentioned that next Thanksgiving we would have a baby in the back seat. He replied with, "And you could be pregnant again." :)

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