Sunday, December 19, 2010

Change of Plans

We had a great weekend planned that included fun stuff like picking up Addi's Christmas pictures, a visit to the Billy Graham Library (which has a wonderful Christmas event!), church, and a bonfire and dinner with friends that was to end with a walk around Christmas Town USA. The weekend plans also included the not so fun stuff: shopping at WalMart and Target. Don't get me wrong, Target is one of my favorite places to shop, but all that was on my list to pick up there was diapers and baby, not really all that exciting (though I do love shopping for my baby!). :) I left work at Friday with a plan of spending the evening at home with my favorites. This plan worked out wonderfully!

Fast forward to Saturday morning. We were getting ready when I heard the sirens at 9:00. I totally forgot that this was the Saturday the town Fire Department was coming around on a fire truck with a man dressed as Santa on the top of the truck and firmen hanging off the sides and giving children goody bags. While I didn't expect a goody bag for Addi, I insisted that we have her see all the commotion. The fire truck finally made its way through our subdivision and to our house around 10:15. By this time it was snowing and icing slightly which made for an exciting, picturesque moment when the truck came around (which Addi LOVED!), but the roads were just a little icy (really it wasn't anything, but Jared was nervous) causing me to postpone my shopping trips to later. Jared had to work from noon to four and I didn't want to take Addi with me (seriously it is a little difficult trying to find the best bargain and bang for our buck with a nine month old screaming because she doesn't like to be in the cart), so I decided that we should go to the Billy Graham library on Monday night so that Jared could watch Addi while I shopped. Then we remembered the lights in the town beside of us which are beautiful and wonderful, but cause utter chaos on the weekends. I would have been stuck in traffic for probably an hour or more, so I chose instead to do my shopping on Sunday with Jared and Addi. Or so that was the plan.

After wrapping presents, finally putting finishing touches on my Christmas decorations, working on a Christmas present I am making for Addi,and getting all outfits for Sunday ready, Jared and I decided that our lazy Saturday had been lovely and perfect. Then 10:30 pm hit. Poor Jared started throwing up every 20 mins (sorry if that's TMI), and did not stop until around 7:00 a.m. He didn't sleep at all, I slept for maybe three hours...Addi slept through it all, Praise Jesus! Needless to say, church was off, plans with friends were cancelled and I ended up taking Addi to Target, Sears to pick up her pictures and to WalMart. I spent more money in WalMart than I should have because Addi was anxious and I wanted to get back to Jared so I barely looked at prices while grocery shopping. It is now past 8:30 pm and he still is getting sick every hour to two hours. Praying he feels better soon. Addi is still up, refusing to sleep, and I'm feeling a little frazzled by it all.

So it was a great weekend, a terrible weekend, a long weekend and a short weekend all combined. Here's to Monday...and the short work week...and to the hope that next weekend will go a little bit more as planned. :)

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