Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Bad Dream

This morning I woke up with probably extremely high blood head is still pounding, but at least now my breathing has normalized.  Right before I woke up, I dreamed that Addi had drowned in the bathtub.  It was just a terrible, terrible dream that literally made me feel ill upon waking.  When I woke up, I almost ran to Addi's room, but thought twice about it because I didn't want to wake her up by startling her. I was so thankful when she and Brogan woke up and I knew that my kids were OK.  I am sitting here now, watching my sweet babies as they have their morning Dora "fix" and am just so thankful for them.

Why am I typing this out?  Well, I was hoping by doing so that it would help me finally calm down 3 hours after the dream.  Between thanking God out loud for some of my blessings, typing this, and having my cute little man come up while I was typing and ask me to sing with him (which of course, I did), I am feeling better now and can resume normal activities.  I have a feeling I will be thanking God for the amazing blessings of my sweet kiddos even more today...and they may get tired of all the hugs.

HORRIBLE dream, but a good reminder to not take life for granted.

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