Sunday, July 29, 2012

Keeping It Real

Dear Addi and Brogan, This weekend was tough. I have a sinus infection and am feeling crummy. Your daddy had to work pretty much the whole weekend. We are tired...not just tired, weary. Life is just plain tough right now. So I apologize for the times I got frustrated and raised my voice. I did it a few times this weekend. I'm sorry I yelled at your dad in front of you - something I told myself I'd never do. I'm sorry I fed you chicken nuggets for dinner last night (and not the healthy, baked kind I make from chicken breasts...the crappy, processed kind that are really not good for you at all.) I rocked dinner tonight at least. ;) I'm sorry I let you entertain yourselves far too much and kept the TV on in hopes that it would entertain you. I'm sorry the laundry isn't done, the living room is a mess and preparations for this coming week have not happened. I'm just so sorry for it all. I'm not sorry though that I have these moments that show you that I am human. I am helpless. I have NOTHING to offer without Christ. It's because of Him that I strive to do better every day. So, while the two of you sleep sweetly tonight, I have prayed and will continue to pray that God will be glorified in every thing I do - especially in being your mom and your amazing dad's wife. I pray you never doubt my love for Christ, my love for your daddy or my love for you. I pray even when I mess up royally - which I know I will do again - that you will see a work in progress. As tears flow down my face as I type this, please know that I promise to be the best I possibly can be as a nurturer. You two are such a blessing! My hope is that you don't even remember the rough times we had this weekend. Instead I hope you remember the times I hugged you (which were lots), the several dozen times I read to you (Brogan is seriously going through a phase of wanting to be read to...all.the.time), the songs we sing together over and over again, the way you, Addi got to stay up late to watch the Olympic Opening Ceremony (even though you fell asleep before 9:30) :), the times we chased each other all over the house, our family dinner times where we laughed and played together as a family, getting to play in the water outside, watching daddy mow the lawn and all the "I love yous" that we all told each other. When I think of it like that - this weekend was really not bad! I love you both so much...Addi, you are my Babycakes...and Brogan, you are my Handsome Boy! And, though I know those nicknames will one day embarrass you...I pray my love for you never does. Thank you both for being amazing!! Love, Mommy

Friday, July 27, 2012

Two Christmases!

The Summer Olympics are almost here!!! I am so excited! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them! My passion for them began when I was 3 or 4 years old and has only grown since. It's like having a second Christmas this year! Anyway, tonight is the Opening Ceremony and I have already confirmed with my sister that we will call each other promptly at 7:00 to watch the ceremony together. :) Enjoy your something to do with The Olympics, hug lots, relax and go to church! :)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Phone Update

Quick phone was found by a sweet couple that contacted us on Monday. We were able to pick it up at their house. ALL my pictures and videos were still on the phone. So VERY thankful!!!! :) Have a blessed week!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Lies Straight from the Pit of Hell

At least once a day, I tell Addi the following:

You are beautiful!

You are sweet!

You are amazing!

You are silly! (She LOVES it when I say this.)

You are kind.

You are good.

You are funny! (She LOVES this one, too)

You are amazing!

You are pretty!

And, Mommy loves you sooooo MUCH! (She chimes in on the “much”)

And, you are my most favorite girl! (She chimes in on the “favorite girl”)

I tell her these things because they are so true.  I tell her these things because I want her to know them deep down in her soul.  I tell her these things because I want her to never, ever forget how incredible she is. 
Somewhere along life’s way, I started telling myself the exact opposite of these things. If it was considered a “gift,” I would be gifted in being critical of myself. I have been for years and mommy-hood has made it WAY worse. I need to stop. If I were to look in the mirror and tell myself the lies the devil tries to tell me it would sound something like this:

You are ugly.

You will always be fat.

You are a failure.

You are an awful wife.

You have already ruined your children.

You are a terrible mother.

You are a disgrace to the kingdom of God.

You are unlovable.

You are unlikeable.

You are a loser.

You will never amount to anything.

You don’t deserve happiness.

You are a poor excuse for a (fill in the blank)…Christian, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, employee and on and on.

God doesn’t love you: How can He?

Truth is, NONE of it is true. Yet, I feed into at least a few of these lies every single day. So here is my response to these horrid lies.

You are ugly. – Not true. I am a beautiful child of the King, created just the way that He wanted me to be.

You will always be fat. – A big FAT lie that I started believing when I was a size 4 thanks to words spoken by my own father - who was dealing with a failed marriage that was his fault - (Parents…be careful what you say to your children!!). Truth is, I need to lose some weight. Truth is, I’m not as fat as I think I am.

You are a failure. – Really??? I don’t even need to start with an argument here. Truth is, I’m an overcomer.

You are an awful wife. – Jared says different and he doesn’t lie. I could be better (who couldn’t be better to their spouse), but we have a happy marriage and I adore that man of mine.

You have already ruined your children. – I have ruined my children by working to help provide for their needs? I think not. They are in a safe, Christian daycare that they love being taught by people who love them. Ideal? Nope. Ruined? Nope.

You are a terrible mother. – I have to laugh at this lie. I totally know this is not true. I am a great mommy. Sure I have my blunders and I certainly don’t have all the answers, but I LOVE my children fiercely. They absolutely know that their mommy loves them.

You are a disgrace to the kingdom of God. – I’ve made my mistakes. I don’t pray enough. I don’t read enough. I’m not a disgrace; I’m a human. A human created by a loving God who leads me along life’s way.

You are unlovable. – Not to God. Not to my husband. Not to my kids. Not to my family.

You are unlikeable. – I know this isn’t true unless the people who like to spend time with me are just doing it to feel sorry for me.

You are a loser. – Not at all. I am determined. I don’t give up on the important things.

You will never amount to anything. – While I’m not in the career field of my dreams, I’ve done well for myself.

You don’t deserve happiness. – Do any of us really deserve happiness? We expect it because we are spoiled, but we don’t deserve it any more than the person who is laying in a hospital bed fighting for their life. Truth is, we don’t deserve happiness, but God will willingly fill us with His joy. Joy is far better than happiness.

You are a poor excuse for a (fill in the blank)…Christian, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, employee and on and on. - Not so. I care deeply. I love deeply. I do the best I can.

God doesn’t love you: How can He? - So not true. All I need to do is read the word to combat this lie.

I contemplated even posting this post because it’s not a la-da-dee, la-dee-da type of post. It’s harsh. It's a bit embarrassing to post. Unfortunately, it’s been my reality and I'm ready to get rid of this part of my life. These awful lies have held me back on so many levels and I REFUSE to let them keep holding me back. It sickens my stomach to think of what I have not done, the opportunities I have missed out on, the countless hours I have spent in misery because of these stupid lies. I need to change for myself,for Jared and so that I can be the role model I so desparately want to be for our beautiful kids. So now that I’ve put this out here, I feel like I can start moving on.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a very important meeting with two precious children. We’re going to rock the house down with, “If You’re Happy and You Know It.” :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Goodbye, Cellphone

For those of you who read this and have seen my Facebook status, you will know that last night I lost my phone. Thankfully, it’s not an expensive phone, but the memories that are contained within that phone are priceless. I have countless pictures and videos of the kids going as far back as June of last year – most of which were on a memory card, so I had not downloaded. I am crushed. So many memories gone, just like that. Reality is that I probably won’t get the phone back: I hate to be a pessimist, but I lost it in a very public place and it could be anywhere.

As upset as I am, this morning it hit me that the pictures and videos are just memories that I would like to look back on throughout my life, but right now, I am blessed to have more memories to make with my sweet family. I am keenly aware that there are so many people who ONLY have their past memories because they had to bury their children or their spouse. Some people don’t have memories because they are still eagerly anticipating getting married or becoming a parent. So, I am choosing not to dwell on this more. Today I have my precious babies and my amazing husband and that’s enough for me.

Two side notes pertaining to this ordeal:

Jared was so caring and so wonderful when I told him I lost my phone. He held me while I cried and then drove over to the store and retraced my steps, hoping to find it for me. He never once complained about the money that it will take to replace the phone. That is a sweet husband!!

While I was crying, Addi grabbed a baby wipe and said, “Here, Mommy!” and started to wipe my face. She let me hug her for as long as I wanted to because she could tell her mommy was sad. She also emptied out the entire contents of my purse saying that she was looking for “my mommy’s phone.” She got a little distracted by the lipstick, but I can understand that. :)

PS…I was feeling bad that I prayed and asked for prayer over a lost phone. I know God has WAY more important things to worry about than giving me back my phone. I also know that He cares about the stuff that matters to us. This matters to me. While He hasn’t answered my prayer exactly the way I want, He has given me peace, which is actually EXACTLY what I need. That’s what I love about God…He knows me far better than I know myself.