For those of you who read this and have seen my Facebook status, you will know that last night I lost my phone. Thankfully, it’s not an expensive phone, but the memories that are contained within that phone are priceless. I have countless pictures and videos of the kids going as far back as June of last year – most of which were on a memory card, so I had not downloaded. I am crushed. So many memories gone, just like that. Reality is that I probably won’t get the phone back: I hate to be a pessimist, but I lost it in a very public place and it could be anywhere.
As upset as I am, this morning it hit me that the pictures and videos are just memories that I would like to look back on throughout my life, but right now, I am blessed to have more memories to make with my sweet family. I am keenly aware that there are so many people who ONLY have their past memories because they had to bury their children or their spouse. Some people don’t have memories because they are still eagerly anticipating getting married or becoming a parent. So, I am choosing not to dwell on this more. Today I have my precious babies and my amazing husband and that’s enough for me.
Two side notes pertaining to this ordeal:
Jared was so caring and so wonderful when I told him I lost my phone. He held me while I cried and then drove over to the store and retraced my steps, hoping to find it for me. He never once complained about the money that it will take to replace the phone. That is a sweet husband!!
While I was crying, Addi grabbed a baby wipe and said, “Here, Mommy!” and started to wipe my face. She let me hug her for as long as I wanted to because she could tell her mommy was sad. She also emptied out the entire contents of my purse saying that she was looking for “my mommy’s phone.” She got a little distracted by the lipstick, but I can understand that. :)
PS…I was feeling bad that I prayed and asked for prayer over a lost phone. I know God has WAY more important things to worry about than giving me back my phone. I also know that He cares about the stuff that matters to us. This matters to me. While He hasn’t answered my prayer exactly the way I want, He has given me peace, which is actually EXACTLY what I need. That’s what I love about God…He knows me far better than I know myself.
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