Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Journey of A Thousand Miles...

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. I don’t know who said that. I googled it and apparently there is some conflicting opinions on the originator of this quote. This much I know…it was someone in China…at least that seems to be the general consensus.

Anyway, I have been thinking of this quote a lot lately. I know you are dying to know the reason (haha). I can’t say yet. It’s a secret (and no, not a baby secret). Speaking of babies…after you have one, or two and they are only 14.5 months apart, the following conversations happen a lot:

Me: I’m really tired today.
Person B: Do you think you’re pregnant?

Me: I’m not feeling very well.
Person B: Do you think you’re pregnant?

Me: I have great news!
Person B: Are you pregnant?

Me: My daughter is 2, my son is 1.
Person B: So, are you planning on having another one soon?

One thing I learned during my infertility journey is that people are absolutely crazy and insensitive when it comes to the topic of having children. You don’t just go up to someone and say, “So, when are you getting out of debt?” Yet it’s OK to ask a couple about something as private as the decision to have children? Not cool….even if the couple is just married and you know without a shadow of a doubt that they do not want children…NEVER ask that question!

It’s also not OK to ask someone if they planned to have their children so close together in age. I get asked this question quite a bit from people who I don’t even know. They’ll see me in the store with one toddler hanging out of the cart and the other toddler screaming because he is hungry and this will happen:

Person B: They are so cute!
Me: Thank you (while trying to smile sweetly, stick a paci in Brogan’s mouth and prevent Addi from jumping out of the cart).

Person B: How old are they?
Me: 1 and 2.

Person B: Wow, you have your hands full! (As if they really needed to tell me that at the present moment) Did you plan it that way?
Me: No, but I didn’t plan to deal with infertility before my daughter was born and after she was born someone forgot to tell my ovaries that it was time to close up shop for a little while.

OK…I don’t really say that last line, but seriously?!? Is it really your business when you don’t even know me???

Usually, I just look at them, ignore their stupid question and say, “Yeah, it’s a bit crazy, but we are so blessed!”

And blessed we are. So, to bring this post full circle…we are blessed because….Well, I have to make you wait, but just remember:

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


Shannon said...

Jennifer! Now you have me curious! Urgh. Oh well, I will wait! And pray that you guys are doing well :) And that you really enjoy your upcoming vacation!

Shannon said...

Oh, and I guess I'll add a hearty "AMEN!" to what you said about people being ridiculously nosy. It drives me crazy. I have some fun responses too, including bursting into tears and running away. Anyway...