Sunday, February 10, 2013

I fell into the tub...well, sort-of

It is no secret that at our house we love to play. :)  Playing induces so many smiles and giggles, and creates lasting memories.  Last night's play was one I'm pretty certain I will NEVER forget and may perhaps be one of Addi's first memories.  A lot of times when she gets a bath, she will ask me to get in the tub, too.  Considering I don't bathe with my children, I've never joined her.  I've allowed her to soak me and the bathroom a couple times by splashing me, but that's about it.  Her new thing is to pretend she's cooking in the bathtub, so last night she asked me if I would cook with her.  I sat by the tub and we prepared some food. ;)  Then she asked if I would get in the tub.  I told her no and then thought to myself, "She will LOVE it if I just do this."  So, while fully clothed (in a dress no less), I pretended to fall into the bathtub.  She absolutely cackled!!  She was so surprised!  I started to get out a couple times and would "accidentally" fall back in.  More laughter ensued.  She got to take a cup and pour water on my head and the look of joy on her face when she would soak my hair was so precious.  Needless to say, when Jared walked in to tell me something, he was quite surprised!  Haha!!  Anyway, for all you mamas out there, I HIGHLY recommend doing this at least once.  Refill the tub after and make sure you give your child a good bath (for germs sake) and you probably will want to take a quick shower yourself shortly after.  But, who cares.  Jump in, fully clothed and just have fun!!!  One of the last things Addi said before falling asleep last night was how I fell into the tub.  This morning, she had not been up for two minutes before she looked at me and started laughing and said, "You fell in the tub and your dress and hair were all wet!" :)  Her laughter and joy made it totally worth it, and yet, I somehow think I may have been the one who had the most fun.  I love making memories...small ones, big ones, random ones, wet ones and yes, inconvenient, but SO worth it ones!!

In other news...
Last night at dinner, the following conversation happened:
Brogan: Bed, Mommy!
Me:  Bed?  Are you sleepy?  Do you want to go to bed?
Brogan: No.  Bed!
Me:  Bed???
Brogan: No. Bed!
Me:  Bird?  Do you hear a bird?
Brogan: No. Bed!
Me: Bad?  Is something bad?
Brogan: No. Bed!
Me: Jared, Do you know what he is saying?
Jared: Sounds like bed to me.
Me:  Addi, What is Brogan saying?(Sometimes she knows better than we do)
Addi: Um, I think he wants a surprise.  (Haha...I think she was the one who wanted a surprise)
Me: Brogan, is it a surprise you want?  (I knew that wasn't it, but thought it was worth a shot...ha!)
Brogan: No. Bed!
Me:  I'm sorry, honey.  Say it one more time.  We don't know what you are saying.
Brogan: Bed!
Me: more time, please.
Brogan: Bed!
Me: Oh, BREAD!  Do you want some bread?
Brogan: Yes, bed!

He got his bread. :)  Jared and I commented though about how we both could learn a lesson on patience and perseverance from that conversation.  Brogan NEVER acted upset.  He did not grow impatient and just continued to tell us his message in a very calm manner until we understood what he was saying.  I wish I was a little more like my little guy. :)


Shannon said...

You are such a good mommy! I just love that you did this, and I will have to try it some day with H :) Love love love!

Jennifer (and sometimes Jared) said...

You should definitely try this with H!! Addi is still talking about it and every time she brings it up, she just laughs and laughs. :)

Shannon said...

I love it! I think I will try it with H :) Once he trusts me enough to know I'm not going to fall on him...once I think he will see the humor in it! :)