Saturday, February 16, 2013


We had snow today!  This doesn't happen very often in our area and it really wasn't even that much.  It was, however, enough to stick to the ground.  This made Addi so happy because she was finally able to play in snow!   When it first started snowing she yelled, "It's Christmas!" ;)  Anyway, when we went outside we made a snowman, walked around in the snow, Addi made a snow angel, and after asking me to make one twice, I caved and together we laid in the snow and made more snow angels.  :)  Brogan was unable to play in it because he's sick, but he loved watching the snow fall.  He was mesmerized and kept saying, "Snow, Mommy! Snow!"  We brought a bowl full of snow in for Brogan to play with and he really enjoyed that.  :)  Anyway, it was a nice Saturday afternoon surprise for sure!  

The best part of my day today was at dinner.  One of the kids (I think it was Brogan) started singing, "Jesus Loves Me."  We all joined in and it was just so sweet to have our entire family singing such a precious song together.  

I tear up so often during the day at the sweet moments that I experience with my amazing family. God is so, so good to us and I am thankful that He allows me to notice that every single day (even on the days where my daughter whines incessantly and my son wakes me up three times a night). ;)

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