Dear Brogan,
This is a month late. Today you are two years old and one month. I can't believe how fast time is going by and it seriously makes me want to cry. It is so tough to watch you grow and yet so amazing at the same time. You are supposed to be growing, I just wish it wasn't happening so fast. Truth is, that is probably why you still get to sleep with your pacifier. Admittedly, since you will probably be our last baby, it's even a bit tougher than it was/is watching your sister grow at times. But grow you must, and you are so good at it.
You have an amazing personality. You love to say, "hi," "hello there," and "hey" to everyone you see. You also let people know if they look scary...seriously, you will say, "You scare me, man!" to anyone you think looks a little different. This is slightly embarrassing (actually a lot embarrassing), but we know that with everything else, you will soon grow out of doing this. At least we hope and pray that you do. ;)
You are laid back and yet, you are also not laid back. Most of the time you are pretty easy to please, but when you decide you want to be doing something different, you let us know....loudly. You are also NOT laid back at bed time. You typically go to sleep OK, but you scream and cry at all sorts of random times during the night. Mommy is exhausted, by the way, so if you could stop doing this, that would be amazing! (This actually has changed since I started writing this letter almost a month, great job, little buddy! Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you!!!)
You were born big (8 lbs, 13 oz and 22.5 inches long), but at two years of age, you are actually a little small for your size. Much to my surprise, all of your twelve month shorts and most shirts that you wore last summer still fit. You are wearing some 18 month shirts and jon-jon's (due to lenghth), but most 18 month shorts are too big. You do not let your size stop you. You enter most rooms with confidence and you love to strut around like you are so grown. :)
You are mischievous and curious...just as a little boy should be. :) I think it's adorable and exhausting. You love to climb onto EVERYTHING. You love to hide and will not answer me when I amscreaming calling for you multiple times. However, when we play a "real" game of hide-and-seek, you get so excited when someone starts looking for you that you squeal and jump out yelling, "Here I am!" You also love to get into my make-up. Mascara is your favorite, followed closely by lipstick. We are working on that. ;)
You are not an easy guy to discipline. First of all, you are cute and you know how to pull at our heartstrings. The "mommy glare" that most moms are able to give their children, doesn't work on you You laugh when I do it and make a face back at me. Time-out doesn't phase you. Sometimes, you will even ask to go to time-out. You are going to make sure that your daddy and I come up with clever ways to discipline throughout the years. Go easy on us...we're learning just as you are.
You LOVE your routines. You help keep us all in line. You know that we brush teeth, change your diaper and say our good night prayers in that order. If we try to switch it up on you, you tell us. You refuse to eat before we pray. Your sister does, too. It's a very good habit to be in. ALWAYS make thanking God a priority.
Your favorite thing to do in all the world right now is to sing, play your guitar or shake your "happy clap." You know the lyrics to countless songs...not just children songs, but a lot of Christian songs, too. There are certain songs that you absolutely have to have your toy guitar to play and others that you have to have your "job" (microphone) in order to sing. The other day, we were at the fire station and you even used the step on the fire truck as a piano. ;) It's adorable and we just love to hear you sing. :)
You love your sister. She is your best friend. You will do anything that she does. You two make each other laugh all the time. You guys also fight, but within seconds, you both forget about it. I love that about you two. :) My prayer is that you will always stay best friends.
You are loving and funny. You are feisty and clever. You are smart and confident. You are amazing and perfect just the way you are.
We love you so much!
You are mischievous and curious...just as a little boy should be. :) I think it's adorable and exhausting. You love to climb onto EVERYTHING. You love to hide and will not answer me when I am
You are not an easy guy to discipline. First of all, you are cute and you know how to pull at our heartstrings. The "mommy glare" that most moms are able to give their children, doesn't work on you You laugh when I do it and make a face back at me. Time-out doesn't phase you. Sometimes, you will even ask to go to time-out. You are going to make sure that your daddy and I come up with clever ways to discipline throughout the years. Go easy on us...we're learning just as you are.
You LOVE your routines. You help keep us all in line. You know that we brush teeth, change your diaper and say our good night prayers in that order. If we try to switch it up on you, you tell us. You refuse to eat before we pray. Your sister does, too. It's a very good habit to be in. ALWAYS make thanking God a priority.
Your favorite thing to do in all the world right now is to sing, play your guitar or shake your "happy clap." You know the lyrics to countless songs...not just children songs, but a lot of Christian songs, too. There are certain songs that you absolutely have to have your toy guitar to play and others that you have to have your "job" (microphone) in order to sing. The other day, we were at the fire station and you even used the step on the fire truck as a piano. ;) It's adorable and we just love to hear you sing. :)
You love your sister. She is your best friend. You will do anything that she does. You two make each other laugh all the time. You guys also fight, but within seconds, you both forget about it. I love that about you two. :) My prayer is that you will always stay best friends.
You are loving and funny. You are feisty and clever. You are smart and confident. You are amazing and perfect just the way you are.
We love you so much!
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