Sunday, July 12, 2015

Ice Cream Truck Visit

The ice cream truck has been in our neighborhood several times since May, but we have always managed to successfully avoid the kids knowing...until tonight.  We were outside, we heard the music, the kids got so excited and suddenly, it was as if I was a little kid again as I watched their anticipation as they patiently excitedly waited for that ice cream truck to pull up to our house.  When it started coming their way, they started jumping and I started tearing up.  Ha!  Who tears up over an ice cream truck??  It was just so precious to watch their pure joy over something so simple.  They got their ice cream and I didn't even mind that it melted all over their clothes.  An ice cream truck purchase was not on our summer bucket list, but it TOTALLY should have been.  I never want to forget that precious moment.

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