Monday, June 15, 2015

So we sat down and made a bucket list...

1.  Catch fireflies
2.  Run in a sprinkler
3.  Go to the splash pad... a lot
4.  Attend a baseball game
5.  Go to at least three "new to us" parks
6.  Day trip to the mountains
7.  Make juice popsicles
8.  Play baseball in the backyard
9.  Play in the rain (when it's not storming) / jump in puddles
10.  Attend Vacation Bible School at the "big church" and the "little church"
11.  Try three new fruits and three new vegetables
12.  Make strawberry shortcake
13.  Have a lemonade stand
14.  Attend a Home Depot or Lowe's Kids Workshop
15.  Go for a Hike
16.  Visit National Whitewater Rafting Center
17.  Walk around Uptown Charltotte one evening
18.  Ice Cream for Dinner Night
19.  Let the kids try a Sno Cone
20.  Lakefront Dinner
21.  Overnight trip to ???
22.  Ocean!!
23.  Feed the ducks
24.  Buy someone else lunch
25.  Movie in the park
26.  Read 100 Kids books

This might be a bit ambitious, but we shall see. :)

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