Sunday, January 17, 2010

2nd Letter to Addison Hope

Dear Addison,

This letter is all about your daddy. While you will always know that he loves you, I wish so badly that there was a way for you to see the love he has for you now - before you even come out of the womb.

For starters, he sings to you every single day. He has made up a song for you that I am sure you will grow to learn and love. :) When he sings it to you, he always has a smile on his face.

He also LOVES to talk to you. He will tell you how much you are loved, how we can't wait for you to get here and how much help he will need you to help deal with me. ;) He tells you that he hopes you look like me and act like him. (Sometimes I think he is scared of mommy's energy...and her emotions!) He also tells you about my good qualities and how he hopes that you have those, too. :)

He is so proud of you. He lights up when he talks about you! He loves to tell people about you and he already knows that you are the sweetest, most precious baby in the entire world.

He has only had to miss one doctor's appointment I've had for you so far. He has been so supportive of me during this pregnancy. You see, even though I'm the person blessed to carry you in my womb for 9 months, your dad is doing everything possible to experience all that he can with this pregnancy. He's already took a daddy class and has given me very important tips on how to care for you!

He works so hard to give our family a great life. Right now he has been laid-off from his job (something he couldn't help and that was a result of a bad economy), but he has not for one minute allowed this to make him lose his desire to work hard. He will always do everything he can to support our family. Be sure to thank him for his hard work!

He is not afraid to say, "I love you." Your dad tells me multiple times a day that he loves me and I know he'll do the same to fact, he already tells you that he loves you. You will grow to appreciate this so much.

The best quality of all about your dad is that he loves the Lord with all of his heart. Church is important to him, serving God is important to him, fellowship with other believers is important to him...these are all qualities that we hope to instill in you as well. You see, if you love the Lord, you'll NEVER have a reason to give up.

My hope is that one day when the time comes for you to find a spouse that you will search for someone who has the positive qualities that your dad has. Someone who loves God first and foremost. Someone who is not afraid to work hard or express his feelings of love for you. Someone who will show you kindness and respect. Someone who has integrity and stands by his word. Someone who will treat you like the princess you are, but won't be afraid to remind you that he is your prince and deserves respect too. Someone who will put his heart and soul into having a great marriage. If you find someone like this, you will have found a prize. Treat him like one and thank God for him every single day. I guarantee you, though there will be tough times(all marriages have tough times!) , you will enjoy a marriage that few people get to experience - a marriage very similar to the one I have been blessed to experience.

We love you our precious Addi!


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