Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Jared's Job Loss

There is no way to sugarcoat it, life is tough sometimes. Right now we’re in a tough situation. We’re not happy about it. We’re not really thankful for it. We don’t like it. But the fact is, the earth will still rotate, the sun will still shine, and life will go on. So, we deal with what we’ve been handed. We’re hurt, we’re frustrated, we’re impatient…we’re human. The good news is: there is a God in heaven who loves us the way we are. He ordered our steps before we were born and this situation does not come as a surprise to Him. He already knows the outcome. There are lessons to be learned along the way, and we are ready to learn them. Will it all be fun? No. Do we really want to have to learn them? No. Do we wish that this was all just a bad dream? Yes. Will we be better, stronger, and happier in the long run as a result of this? Yes…if we keep looking up and receiving our strength from our Savior. So, that’s what we plan to do. We will thank God daily for our many blessings (and they are abundant!) and we will be still, listening for the voice of God to direct us and trusting that His plan is far better than ours.

To those of you who know us and have offered an encouraging word and/or prayers during this time, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You have no idea how much it means to us to know that people care.

“Comfort and prosperity have never enriched the world as much as adversity has.” – Billy Graham

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