Thursday, January 19, 2012

Biting Woes

So one of our not so proud moments of last week included Addi biting a child at her daycare. Although she has been bit several times and was the recipient of a lovely bite mark on her side just that morning that has still not gone away, I was quite mortified that our non-biter became a biter. Thankfully this has been an isolated incident and I'm hoping beyond all hope that this will remain the case. Anyway, since the jaws incident, every morning on the way to daycare, my prayers have gone something like this: "Dear Jesus, Thank you for this beautiful day and for all of your many blessings." Etc,etc. and have ended with "Please help Addi not to bite today, because we do not bite. No biting, it's not nice." Granted, I have stressed the biting part intentionally so that Miss Addi will know that Mommy does not approve of biting and hoping she would realize that Jesus doesn't either. So the other day when we went to pray, I started out with, "Dear Jesus" and she quickly replied with, "No bite, Jesus, No, No!" I almost wrecked the car as I realized my baby girl now thinks Jesus bites his friends too. I was hoping it was a one time thing, but no, tonight when we said her bedtime prayers, she pointed her little index finger in the air and said, "No bite, Jesus!"

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