Sunday, January 15, 2012

This week's fun and not so fun moments...

Moments from this week:

- Brogan got a nasty stomach virus on Tuesday and today is the first day that he has not thrown up since that time (keeping my fingers crossed that I won't regret typing this just now considering this is still a couple hours left in our day). As a result, he was out of daycare for four days and went to the doctor twice.

- We had people come over to watch the national championship college football game on Monday night and had a good time. Unfortunately, the team Jared wanted to win didn't win, but oh well. :)

- Brogan is CRAWLING!!!! And while I know that in a few weeks we may wish he wasn't crawling quite yet, we are still so proud!! :) Keeping in line with our families philosophy of always having something funny to tell with our big soon as Brogan started crawling, I started crying happy tears as he crawled right to me...I picked him up and hugged him and he threw up all over me. Even so, it was a great moment. :)

- Funny Addi saying:
- Mommy: Addi, don't hit your brother.
Addi: Please?

- I saw a colleague who I haven't seen since he experienced an absolute tragic event in December and I was so glad to see him smile. While I know there is an insurmountable amount of pain behind the smile, it is nice to know the smile is still there.

- Addi and Brogan are interacting even more than they were last week...and it is so much fun to watch. Today, Addi would say she was going bye-bye and then would walk back to Brogan and hug him and say, "Hi Buddy! I missed you!" He thought this was great and would laugh every time she hugged him. It was such a precious moment. :)

- Another Addi/Brogan interaction that was not quite so precious also happened today. Brogan was sitting and playing and minding his own business and Addi had some water in a cup. She walked over to him and proceeded to pour the water all over his lap, on purpose.

- While at Wal-Mart yesterday, Addi tried to stand up in the cart and of course was saying that she was "stuck" because I had the seat belt clipped around her. I told her she wasn't stuck and some woman looked at me and told me to not let her stand up because someone might snatch her. I sort-of nodded at the woman, and then I pushed the cart with my baby girl and walked as fast as I could in the opposite direction. Who would tell someone something like that???

- Also while at Wal-Mart yesterday, Addi saw a man at the end of an aisle with gray hair. Of course, she thought this was Grandpa and started yelling, "Hi Grandpa!!" She was so excited. The man and his wife thought it was hilarious. I did too, until she started crying for "Grandpa" when he walked down a different aisle. It made me sad that all of her grandparents are a few hours away because she really enjoys spending time with them.

- And one more Wal-Mart story...Addi saw a white-haired woman and thought this was her "Gigi" which is Jared's Grandmother. She yelled for her Gigi and when the lady didn't look at her, Addi covered her eyes to play peek-a-boo. Crazy girl.

- We thoroughly enjoyed song time with our sweet babies tonight. Addi requested that we sing, "Baby Bumble Bee" half a dozen times though. Every time we would sing it, Addi would light up and say, " stung me!!"

- While reading "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do you See?" Addi was finishing the sentences. We have obviously read that book a lot. She also loves "God Gave us You" and calls it her "Night-Night Baby Bear" book. :) I love reading to her and Brogan. :)

- Brogan has taken a huge interest in sitting in his bouncy seat and seeing how fast he can bounce. It is so cute to watch and it's so much fun to watch him crawl out of the seat, too. ADORABLE. :)

I guess that's it. While these moments may not sound that interesting, they are moments I'm so afraid I'll forget if I don't write them down, so if you read to the end of this, I hope I didn't bore you!! :)

Have a blessed week!!

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