Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome 2012 and Terrible Two's!

Aww the joy of a New Year...with it comes so much excitement and hope of what the year will bring. It's a time to reflect on what you would like to change (besides two babies diapers multiple times a day) and what adventures you'd like to take (adventures that don't include Wal-Mart or Target as the main source of entertainment). This is the first time in two years that I have not entered the year pregnant. That kind-of makes me sad...mainly because I would like another maternity leave and because as Jared says, I live for the big moments...but reality is, I'm happy to not be pregnant with our third child, yet (and no, we do not have plans to have a third child any time in the near future...if ever). So this will be the year to really live for the "small" moments. The moments that, when all is said and done, collectively take your breath away. :) Like watching your 7 month-old sit himself up after he was laying on his stomach, or listening to your 21 month old sing, "Oh Christmas Tree" for the twentieth time in one day, or feeling pride when your husband tells you about the joy he finds in volunteering his time in our church, or the excitement that shines in your sister's eyes as she anticipates holding her baby boy or girl in just a few short months, or the love you feel when family is gathered together and are enjoying just being together. And with these somewhat simple moments, come the sad moments, too, that though tough to endure are a necessary part of life, and if given the opportunity, are moments that can teach you and remind you of what is truly important. And while I don't want to dwell on the difficult moments of 2011, the disappointments, the fears, the failures...I know that this year will bring both happy and sad times, fun and hard times, and yes, even scary times.

Scary, you say? Yes, in our daughter has officially entered the terrible two's. Before you think you may have missed something, no, she is not even two yet. We have 2 months and 9 days before that happens, yet here we are, in terrible twoville and Jared and I are S-C-A-R-E-D. We started seeing signs a couple months ago, but it's almost as if Addi decided to make her own New Year resolutions that include the following:

1. I will throw temper-tantrums, complete with head-banging, arm-flailing, ear-piercing screams that last for upwards of 30 mintues.

2. I will hit anything that is around me when I don't get my way - even if this means batting at Daddy, Mommy or my baby brother. I will then proceed with the above mentioned temper tantrum show when I get punished for my actions.

3. I will ware my Daddy and Mommy out. When they scold me, I will act like I don't care, or of course, throw a temper-tantrum. When they are trying to sleep in the middle of the night, I will wake up multiple times shreaking, for no reason...and when they come into my room thinking that I am scared, I will reply with a joyful, "Hi Daddy!" or "Buddy sleeping!" or "Me hungry!" When they lay me back down, I will throw a temper-tantrum.

4. I will not play with my toys, color, or read books. Instead, I will pull drawers completely out of my dresser, try to open cabinet doors, jump on the furniture, climb on the top of the dining room table and annoy my little brother. When someone trys to divert my attentino to a toy, craft or book, I think I will throw a temper-tantrum instead.

5. I will receive lots of hugs and love from Daddy and Mommy. They know that I am growing and learning and though they don't understand why I am doing what I am doing, they know that I don't either. So, they will be patient with me, they will get on their knees in prayer each day for me, they will let me know that I am loved and appreciated and an important member of our family. When I come out of this stage, I will be more confident, more secure of my position in life, and understand my boundaries a lot better.

So here we we watch our sweet little girl turn into a screaming banshee over and over again, we will do our best to not forget that this is all part of growing up. And we hope, beyond all hope, that her terrible two's will be LONG gone before her brother gets into his.

We wish you all a very Happy New Year!!!

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