Saturday, January 21, 2012

Time to sleep!

Dear Brogan,

You are almost 8 months old! You can crawl, you can speak (a couple of words), you have a new-found joy in pestering your sister, you have a sweet, carefree are amazing! Since you are such a big boy now, I think its time for your to start sleeping consistently through the night. Your daddy and I are on to cry, we go in to comfort you, you stop crying as soon as we pick you up. You are not hurting, you are not scared, you are not are S-P-O-I-L-E-D. So, it is after 11:00 pm and I think NOW would be such a great time for you to discover all the happiness that comes your way when you sleep through the night. Seriously, try it, you will not be disappointed.

With all of my love and affection,
A VERY tired Mommy

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